Shooting Notes from back in 1941 C. S. R. C.Captain : J. C. K. Campbell. Secretary : D. Cooper. SHOOTING on the Open Range could not, be continued this term owing to the Ammunition shortage. We began practice on the miniature range,… 0 1941 31/05/2023
Sensational Swimming from 1987! This year was one of the most successful seasons that Canford's swimmers have had. The Senior team won most of their matches, and the Junior team included a large number of Shells, which promises wel… 0 1987 28/05/2023
Sailing from 1987 We have gradually increased our 420 fleet, and the senior members have enjoyed some memorable sailing in the three new boats. The Fireflies continue to give good service, as our racing fleet, until w… 0 1987 28/05/2023
House Drama!! 1987 House Plays Bedroom Farce The House Drama Festival once again provided a very wide range of talent, and illustrated the importance of adjusting one's play to one's audience. Over the years the festiv… 0 1987 28/05/2023
Cross-Country 1987 The beginning of the 1987 season saw the return of all the veteran members of the club. However, we lacked the additional numbers and consequently suffered against schools with large squads who were … 0 1987 28/05/2023
DofE at Canford in 1981 The D. of E. Award Scheme has been run inpast years by Mr. W. J. Ainsworth, and mostsuccessfully I hasten to add. Many boys at allages of their school lives, have benefitted fromthe scheme, and have … 0 1981 28/05/2023
Canoe Club 1981 This year has probably been the Canoe Club's most successful one for some time since we now have eight members who are in national divisions. This success is due to the construction of a permanent mi… 0 1981 28/05/2023
Tennis from 1987! During his final year Ivan Snell has achieved positions of about 30th. in the National Rankings (including all the British professionals) and close to 40th. inthe International Rankings, his national… 0 1987 28/05/2023
1941 Marvellous Music... ON February 21st we enjoyed a delightful recital given by Miss Eve Maxwell-Lyte. This singer is a true artist in every sense of the word in that all her effects are clear but never exaggerated. The S… 0 1941 22/05/2023
1941- Squash Notes THIS term we have been unable to have our usual fixtures on account of illness. A matchhowever was played against the Officers of the Middlesex Regt. The school won 5—0.Court House and Monteacute are… 0 1941 22/05/2023
1941- Terific Tennis! MEMBERS have continued to use the court regularly throughout the term. The old members have played enough to keep themselves well in practice, and it is encouraging to see that some of the youngest m… 0 1941 22/05/2023
Scout Notes 1933 The past year, and particularly the past term, has been the most important J_ in the annals of the Canford troop. Started three years ago with a handful of boys of varying deg… 0 1933 02/03/2023
Shooting Throwback 1933 On the whole, the shooting this term has been fairly successful though not unusually so. In our matches we did not do too badly, but the scores, unfortunately, fell off t… 0 1933 02/03/2023
Hockey Notes from 1933 Hockey Captain : M. D. Milman. Secretary : D. R. Sloan. RETROSPECT. Losing only one match out of th… 0 1933 23/02/2023
Swimming Season 1924 Owing to the epidemic of " 'flu "our promising batch of " Tad-poles " never had a fair chance of developing their swimming legs, but they managed to add a quite exciting event to… 0 1924 19/02/2023
Swimming Notes 1926 Rugby team 1923.pngGirls introduced 1970.pngGirls introduced 1970.pngGirls introduced 1970.pngGirls introduced 1970.pngGirls introduced 1970.pngswimmingh results.pngRugby team 1923.pngTHIS year bathi… 0 1924 19/02/2023
Rugby Notes Season 1923 We have had a very full fixture card this season, but have, unfortunately, been able to arrange only one 1st XV inter-school match, that against Clays more, but the second XV an… 0 1923 07/02/2023
Amazing Athletics Achievements 1923 Friday, June 29th, was in every respect a red-letter day in the history of the School, for, on that day, were held the inaugural Athletic Sports. Everything tend… 0 1923 07/02/2023
First Inter House Boxing Match 1924 On Monday, 7th April, was held the first Inter-House Boxing Competition at Canford. This new branch of sport was beginning the Winter Term, and the boxing classes, although not composed … 0 1924 07/02/2023
First Documented Concert 1923 The Concert A CONCERT, arranged by the Musical Society, was given in the Hall on the afternoon of December 17th (1923) The programme opened with as pirited rendering of the march from Handel's O… 0 1923 29/01/2023
New Girl's Boarding House ‘In the summer holidays, work began on clearing the site for new boarding accommodation for girls. The building, which replaces Oakley, will also house the new Sanatorium. It will be opened in Septem… 0 1991 29/01/2023
Girls Introduced to Canford-1970 These Entries are from 3/5 girls who joined 6th form in 1970, The section titled: '5 among so many'. 'I did not feel brave when I told people I was going to Canford: they stared at me as if my days … 0 1970 24/01/2023
The First Inter-house Swimming at Canford School in 1923 HAIL! Muse of high heroic song,To thy sole care these deedsbelong;When, by the cool, translucent wave,That soft the reedy bank doth laveWhere Canford's turrets proudl… 0 1923 21/01/2023
The Lovell Building It is an old adage that the keepers of pets start to adopt the characteristics of the animals in their possession, so that, gradually, owners and owned become perfectly suited toone another. The sam… 0 1985 27/10/2022