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Beaufort House 1967-8


Royal Studios Michael Whitecroft (B69): Further to my note about the 19689 phot, I have had a quick look at the 1968 photo and can identify the following NK = Not known Front row from left to right John Israel, Joseph (Joe) Randall, James (æJeffÆ ) Mardon, NK, NK, Miss Hammond, Bunny Baynham, NK, Chris Bacon, àHamilton-Martin?, NK, à. Mogford, John Hoole, Malcolm Hamilton-Martin 2nd row from left to right Andrew Lynall, Nic Willey, SimonTemple, John Baxter, Chris Mew, Stuart-Mason Eliott, NK, David Hudson, NK, MichaelWhitcroft, John Mardon, Andrew (?) Wylie, Chris Floyd, NK

Beaufort House 1968-9


Royal Studios Michael Whitecroft (B69): I recently purchased a copy of the house photo for Beaufort House for Summer 1969 as it was my last year at Canford before going to university. If it is of any interest these are the names of the people I recognise in the photograph Seat ed row from left to right Nic Willey (now Willey-Fontaine), Nick Sloan, Michael Whitcroft, Joe Randall, John Hoole (Head of House), Miss Hammond (House Matron) æBunnyÆ Baynham (House Master), Mrs Bacon?, Mr Christopher Bacon ? (House Tutor and Chemistry Teacher) , Malcolm Hamilton-Martin, David Hudson, Christopher Mew, Christopher Floyd, John Mardon. First row standing behind seat row from the left. First person is Andrew Lynall, sixth in is Adrian Butterfield, 7th in (immediately behind Mr Baynham is, I think, Graham Arader (USA student), 9th from the left is Simon Temple. John Mardon was a particular friend of mine and was tragically killed in a flying accident. He was a jet pilot in the RAF and had had a heart and lung transplant not long before he was killed. John Hoole went on to do History of Art and Architecture at the University of East Anglia (which is where I went and did the same course, though he came two years after me). He then went on to run the Barbican Art Gallery in London. Nic Willey and John Baxter (who had left Beaufort the previous year ) and I met up at Canford about 5 years ago for a reunion. I am not in touch with any of the others from my year.

Beaufort House 1961-2


Royal Studios

Beaufort House 1962-3


Royal Studios

Beaufort House 1963-4


Royal Studios

Beaufort House 1964-5


Royal Studios

Beaufort House 1965-6


Royal Studios

Beaufort House 1966-7


Royal Studios

Beaufort House 1971-2


Beaufort House 1971-2


Beaufort House 1969-70


Beaufort House 1970-1
