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Clarence School Prospectus


Clarence School Prospectus; Principals - Franklin & Macnutt 2 editions, from different years.

School Prospectus


'Interim Prospectus' anticipating opening of school. Has hand-written corrections for next prospectus (2 copies)

School Prospectus


School Prospectus


Includes list of staff and governors 2 copies,

School Prospectus


One incomplete copy which includes list of staff and governors; another copy that may or may not be 1930, with handwritten amendments of fees

School Prospectus


Includes list of staff and governors

School Prospectus


Includes list of staff and governors

School Prospectus


Includes list of staff and governors

School Prospectus


Includes list of staff and governors

School Prospectus


New style. Includes list of staff and governors; and registration form. Fees are £56 14s per term. Two later editions with fees of £65/term and £75/term

Prospectus / Brochure of Photographs


2 copies. Collection of photographs of school. A publicity document but not a prospectus as such. Post 1932 (pavilion) but pre-1936 because West Wing has only one storey. Photos: Aerial shot; Blue Gates (south entrance; south front; view across cricket ground; south front and lawn; tower and West Wing; Court House; Beaufort House; Dining Hall; Grand Staircase; interior of school chapel; interior of John o' Gaunt's; sanitorium; common room (Long Gallery); exterior of school chapel; cricket pavilion; Speech Day cricket; The Olympia team of 1937; the bathing place (Hatch Hole); the school rowing IV; the Assembly Hall; the Gymnasium (both Gisborough Hall); the Engineering Shop; the hobbies room

School Prospectus


(4 copies) One copy includes list of staff and governors; and registration form; and scholarship details, but is missing some central pages of photos. Second. later, copy (donated by Barbara Willis) has list of governors and printed amendments (on things such as fees) stuck on relevant sections. 3rd copy (donated by son of EC Chancellor) with list of governors and staff list for 1952 Different years as fees are £75, 80 guineas, 91 guineas and £100 per term.