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Canford School Staff


Term-by-term arrivals and departures Term-by-term appointments of housemasters and house tutors. Compiled by Charles Beresford in May 1983, with foreward + letter (from Robin Whicker?) in 1981 asking Beresford to do this

ATL Independent Schools Newsletters


Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) Independent Schools Newsletter for Autujm 2011. Lead story is 'ATL leads way on pensions' and inside is photo and brief account of Canford Staff's Day of Action against the Government's plans to alter teachers' pension schemes 2016 edition leads with article on Canford adopting ATL as their official union

Birthday card from Noscoes to Michael Rathbone


Hand produced with photo of Robin Noscoe and Michael Rathbone standing on pavilion stage. The greeting reads: Happy Birthday from an old building confederate, 1967 - 1977 Donated by Mark Rathbone Jan 2014

Deputy Head Job Spec 1996


For advertisement that was placed in October 1995. (Richard Knott appointed Deputy Head / Second Master) Digital Version: EL02664

Letter from HEF Roberts to EC Chancellor


Letter dated April 19th 1925, Discussing arrangements for Roberts taking over Court House.

Canford Staff Club


Leaflet showing aims, membership etc of the Canford Staff Club following the refurbishment of the Nash Building and he decision to include all staff in the club.

Gerald Brodribb


Letter from Marlborough housemaster asking 'John' for a contribution towards a wedding gift for a Miss Barr (formerly a matron at Marlborough) who was to marry Gerald Brodribb, a teacher at Canford from 1943-53.

Teacher exchange


Correspondence to and from John Boys about possible exchange/placement in South Africa. Includes letters from HMC, HM in S.A. etc Personal but demonstrative of attitudes at that time Donated by John Boys

Staff handbooks


Two handbooks, one dated 1965 and the other earlier, but not dated. mostly the same although some changes: eg in the earlier one there is a directive giving the maximum number of fixtures (which is 'not to be exceeded'), such as 10 Ist team, 4 3rd team, 6 Junior Colts. By 1965 the relevant paragraph merely stated that there should be no fixtures on a Sunday. Donated by John Boys

Paper on staff housing


Written by John Lever for governors showing the need for more staff houses.

Housing policy 1958


Letter from HM to bursar giving an informal priority order when allocating school housing to support staff

Letter from Macnutt to Wallace about German teacher


Letter talks at length about a German teacher who had been at Canford at the start of the war before he was required to leave (no aliens within ten miles of coast). No mention of his name - the assumption was that Wallace would know who it was - but references to teaching at Marlborough GS make it certain that the teacher is Walter Berger (never in the School List as officially an assistant)