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Canford School War Memorial 1939-1945


Brochure detailing appeal for funds for War Memorial (Memorial Arch + fund for educating sons or daughters of OCs killed) Booklet notes that 'Out of a total of about 1,400 Old Boys who had left between the school' opening in 1923 and the end of the Second World War, no fewer than 930 are known to have served in HM Forces, and of these 135 gave their lives'. ) Pdf of brochure: EL00694

Roll of Service of Old Canfordians September 1939 - April 1944


Published by McBride April 1944 ; with handwritten annotations: list of 37 names 'Commemorated by Memorial Trees);printed addenda (26.7.45) at end; letter to Robin Whicker from G van Dulken with two corrections for Roll of Honour; letter to Robin Whicker from Henry Baynham about Roll of Honour

Outcast Memorabilia


Fixture Lists 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939 Dinner Menu cards (signed) 1935, 1937, 1938, 1939 Team sheets 23/6/34, 21/7/34 14/7/38, 24/7/38, 13/7/44

Job Description of OC Researcher


Aim: to update database

Beaufort House Rugby XV 1956


Letter from Robin Broadbent to other members to Beaufort House team, arranging reunion lunch.

Minutes of OC Mountaineering Club


Roll of Honour - correspondence


Notes and correspondence to and from Henry Baynham when researching the Roll of Honour Arranged alphabetically

OC Rugby Lunch


Rugby lunch celebrating 1954 1st XV; brief biographies of all members

Old Canfordian Society Dinners


OC Society Annual Dinner, April 1930, with JS Macnutt in chair OC Society Lond Dinner, October 1964: signed menu card OC Society Jubilee Dinner, London, 26.10.1973, with invitation OC Society Golden Jubilee Dinner at House of Commons, sponsored by Hector Monro, with ticket . 29.10.1976 OC Society Annual Dinner, in John of Gaunt's, 2.11.1991, with list of attendees; 1997

Old Canfordian Society: Important War-time Announcements


Circular (February 1940) from WG Hiatt, OCS Hon Sec, with announcements of how the society would be administered during the war. Anonymous donor

CSS - New Bulletin 1976


One page sheet giving the Society News to the Canford School Society written by WHB Bell, Hon Asst Sec

OC buffet dance


Flyer sent out to OCs advertising a Grand Buffet Dance at the school 'The Autocrats' (a 'well-known West End Band') provided the dance music Cost was 15s (75p) for a single and 27/6d (£1.38) for a double