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Canford School Development Masterplan


Drawn up by Terence O'Rourke plc, Town Planners, Landscape Architects, Urban Designers. Chapter headings include: Introduction, The Present Position, Future Policy, Principal Development Proposals, Conlcusions. Maps included: Location, Planning Designation, Existing Buildings, Constraints, Masterplan. Appendices include Survey Drawings and Arboricultural Report. Proposals include girls' boarding house, Sports Hall, theatre, masters' houses (conversion and new build), chapel (conversion) Includes letter to Terence O'Rourke from Poole Planning Department which discusses landscape implication of building plans (Item - (letter only - held for some time by Andrew Powell, Head of Biology)

Fortieth Anniversary Development Campaign


With insert about recently completed Pavilion Theatre brochure advertising it for use

The Nineveh Society - A Legacy for Canford


With inserts: Codicil form; Legacy Intention form; Your Bequest Simple Wording

A Programme for Life - The Campaign for Canford


Appeal 2008/2009

Progress Report on Swimming Bath Appeal


Headmaster's Appeal for School Swimming Bath Letter explaining that MHO has condemned swimming in Stour Leter giving progress report on appeal

Canford Campaign Patron's Reception


Booklet launching Canford Campaign Letter and invitation to one of three events (Harrogate, London, Canford) in autumn 2010 (x 3)

The Canford Campaign + Update from Development Director


Launch booklet: Review of developments since 1992; outline of projects: new classroom block; new chapel, assembly, music space + Update from Development Director, January 2011

Launch of the Canford Campaign


Campaign Brochure (2 copies) Letter, invitation and reply card for reception on 24th September Invitation and reply card to Jersey reception on 15th September Invitation and reply card to Parents' reception on 5th and 26th November Invitation and reply card to OC Lawyers' Dinner on 3rd November Calendar of Upcoming events for 2012 (2 copies

The Canford Campaign - Development Annual Report 2011


Contains list of benefactors and feature on planned Chapel / Assembly Hall / Performance area

Development Report 2012


3 copies

Pavilion Theatre Brochure


Advertising it for use for public hire

Development Annual Reports


Includes item: Philanthropy at Canford 2013-14 2014-15