Letters regarding clearing of site; names for order of memorial labels.
Documents for Bee Club; The Walnut Club
(Item held for some time by Andrew Powell, Head of Biologyl)
Tree Dedications
"Notes, details of donors of particular trees"(Item held for some time by Andrew Powell, Head of Biology)
Tree tours, walks
"Dorset Urban Fringe Association (1985, 86, 87); British Naturalist' Association (1987); East Dorset Heritage Association (1989); A Gymnosperm Circuit"(Item held for some time by Andrew Powell, Head of Biology)
Trees and Society
Paper (for publication? Lecture?) by uknown author(Item held for some time by Andrew Powell, Head of Biology)
Extract from Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener
Notes on article
Canford Tree Guide
Revised edition. Updated by Andy Beale and Chris BartlettSee EL01494
Miscellaneous documents on Tree Policy
Tree Policy - Canford Park (by Tim Hooker 24/09/80) [includes correspondence from 1972Tree Group Meeting (6/5/80)[From JDL's filing cabinet (May 2013).Aboricultural Management Plan for Canford Park (21/4/99)Tim Hooker's letter to HM about proposed siting of Golf Club House (5 March 1985
Large Cedar Adjacent to Technology Block
Letter to Andrew Powell from Simon Jones Associates (Arboricultural consultants) about risk tree posing to adjacent building.
Tree Files
Index of Tree File that Tim Hooker passed on to Andrew Powell in 1990.The file has been dispersed and no longer exists in that form.
Research notes on William Lobb, plant collector
Notes compiled by Andrew Powell after felling of Monterey Pine
Notes on well known trees of Canford Park
Removal of the Holm Oak from the Church Yar. 1984 (includes justification by Tim Hooker, diagrams and photos;Notes by Robin Whicker on Mountjoy Oak with photo of carcass (1995)Note on Spanish Chestnut (author unknown), 1942