Dated March 1973. New of term; of introduction of parents' meeting; plans for Music School and "new lecture theatre and classroom block", and plans for Golden Jubilee celbrations
Canford School Society Events Calendar 2013-14
Details of the 8 events to be held during the year2013-14 (3 copies)2014-15Flyers for two events:History Tour by Mark Rathbone, 17.9.14Lecture: The British Expeditionary Force in 1914 by Dr Spencer Jones, 25.9.14
Correspondence between school and parent re entrance and scholarship
Correspondence between HM of Clayesmore, HM and Canford and Mr Cattermole about his son's entry and poossible scholarship.(Donated by Peter Cattermole (S67) Nov 2013)
Uniform regulations and notices
Includes notice about shoes having to be round toed and circumference of trousers at turn-up being between 16 and 18 inches.(Donated by Peter Cattermole (S67) Nov 2013)
Canford School Society application form
Letter of invitation; Application form; note detailing recent purchases (racing VIII for Boat Club ú350; Firefly kit for Sailing Club ú94; Two Squash Courts and Changing Room ú4000); (Donated by Peter Cattermole (S67) Nov 2013)
Canford School Society - Creative Contstruction Competition
Details of competition and entry form
Canford School Society - Young Musicians Competition
Details, correspondence and programme for concert; Also, correspondence from 1990
Canford School Society - 50th Anniversary Dinner
Details, correspondence and dinner menu card (13.11.93
Canford School Concert Society Constitution and Rules
HM letters to parents
Mainly end of term letters.
Letter to parents re weekends
Written by Richard Knott explaining what is offered to pupils at weekends and the philosophy behind that.
Letters to Parents`
Ian Wallace's end of year letter. Mnetions the classroom block and the whole school walk amongst other things
Bev Manning's letter about the subscription concerts - the first series in the new Music School