Score card and rules.
Pre-glossy cards; simple printing on blue card. 1970s??
Staff Golf
Rules and arrangements for staff; list of members(Cutting from newspaper with photo of Arthur Jarvis and Hugh Playfair
Minutes of Development and Strategy Group Meeting
15th OOctober 1999)PR Cadogan and FT Ahern in attendance
Golf Club
Brief description of club and membership fees
Golf card
Two score cards, rules, course diagram.
Change of hole order between cards; second one has named holes
Canford School Golf Club Diary
Letter to parents about co-education
Written by Sir John Curtiss, the Cahirman of Governors, on 19th Mar 1994 about the decision to become fully co-ed.
Parent letters re co-education and long hair
About fifty letters from parents to the HM (Wallace) in response to his questionnaire. No copy of he questionnaire exists but it is simple to infer that he asked a) whether having a few girls in the 6th form would be good and b) whether boys should be allowed to grow their hair longer.
there was universal support for having a few girls and near total agreement that boys' hair should remain fairly short.
Co-education: early discussions
Letter from Sir John Curtiss to governors re 'The Way Ahead'
Paper written by John Lever on Canford's future focusing on co-education (Sep 93)
Paper on co-education from John Lever (Jan 94)
Similar handwritten paper from John Lever (Jan 94)
Co-education: staff discussion groups
Minutes/agendas/names for 'Transition discussions' on co-education
Co-education: announcements
Various letters from HM and Chairman of Govs to parents, staff etc announcing full co-education
Summary of Policy
Advice to staff
Letter from HM to King's Canterbury HM re joining HMC co-ed group
Fives at Canford
Scrapbook compiled by G Brodribb (master i/c Fives)
Includes detailed scores of school and house matches, lists of captains/secretaries and a number of action photographs.
Donated by David Barnes (Bucklebury)