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MCR's Farewell to Martin and Judith Marriott


MCR Music Festival - The MCR's farewell to Martin and Judith Marriott.Programme (in style of house music festival) and sheet music for Geographical Fugue; and words and music for Common Room song 'Meetings. (2 copies of each, the later with a gloss by Robin Whicker.)Words to Sheila Stubbs' Talking' Canford Blues Speech Day Programme

Leaflet announcing appointment of new Headmaster, Ben Vessey


Carol Services In the Minster - Sidesmen's Duties


Mike Symond's (MHCS) advice to Clive Jeffrey (CHJ)?

Article on Martin Marriott


Article by John Clare on Martin Marriott in Daily Telegraph (1988) entitled Master of an Independent Mind. 2 copies donated by John Zeal (M53) and David Pattison. See EL01767

Interview with Ben Vessey


Interview in Stour and Avon Magazine about settling in to new role

Letter and photos concerning Richard Walker's painting of Clifford Canning


a) Photo of someone in gown holding copy of The Oxford Book of Modern Verse; b) photo of Canning: c)photo of Canning's head superimposed on photo a). Accompanying letter explaining process, and with some comments about Canning by Richard Walker (SH43), who knew him

Tackling Your First Headship - Ben Vessey


Article by Headmaster in Insght ((the magazine of HMC) Issue also has review by Emma Taylor (nee Cowling [M84] of The New Meritocracy (Mark Peel) Also has announcement of appointment to headshipREncombe College) of Rob Jones (SH89)

Chaplaincy Programme


Photocopies of programmes for Christmas 1998, Summer & Christmas 2000, Easter and Christmas 2001

Discussion on chapel


Dated 1969, these are the minutes from a group discussing the future of chapel. Members were DRC Steed, WHB Bell, JV Boys, BER MacFarlane, the Head and Deputy Head of School (Robin Wright and RDJ Wright; and the chaplains (NH Crowder and MD Drury). Donated by John Boys

Colin Semper (BBC)


Correspondence between Colin Semper and the HM (Wallace) about Semper speaking in chapel. semper was Head of Religious Broadcasting at the BBC at the time.

Notes from John Lever to staff


Three thank you notes (two to David Pattison re hockey; one to Kirstin Hoey re geography) One note to Kerry Mapp re the 'unconnected wall' by the Bursar's Arch entrance to the school

Wallace letter to OCs re pavilion


Letter outlining day's programme but drawing attention to the opening of the new pavilion