Robin Whicker's prompt book on the production containing annotated script, photographs, newspaper reviews, letters and other miscellany
(For photos see CCU-DRA-1963KL-- )
Donated by Robin Whicker
School play 1965 One-Way Pendulum
Robin Whicker's prompt book on the production containing annotated script, photographs, newspaper reviews, letters and other miscellany
(For photos see CCU-DRA-1965OWP- )
Donated by Robin Whicker
School play 1965 King John
Robin Whicker's prompt book on the production containing annotated script, photographs, newspaper reviews, letters and other miscellany
(For photos see CCU-DRA-1966KJ-- )
Donated by Robin Whicker
School play 1968 - Murder in the Cathedral
Robin Whicker's prompt book on the production containing annotated script, photographs, newspaper reviews, letters and other miscellany
(For photos see CCU-DRA-1968MIC-- )
Donated by Robin Whicker
School play 1968 - Midsummer Night's Dream
Robin Whicker's prompt book on the production containing annotated script, photographs, newspaper reviews, letters and other miscellany
(For photos see CCU-DRA-1968MND-- )
Donated by Robin Whicker
School play 1972 - Merchant of Venice
Robin Whicker's prompt book on the production containing annotated script, photographs, newspaper reviews, letters and other miscellany
(For photos see CCU-DRA-1972MOV- )
Donated by Robin Whicker
School play 1988 Hamlet
Robin Whicker's prompt book on the production containing annotated script, photographs, newspaper reviews, letters and other miscellany
(For photos see CCU-DRA-1988H-- )
Donated by Robin Whicker
School play 1981 - As You Like It
Robin Whicker's prompt book on the production containing annotated script, photographs, newspaper reviews, letters and other miscellany
(For photos see CCU-DRA-1981AYLI-- )
Donated by Robin Whicker (March 2009)
School play 1986 - Measure for Measure
Robin Whicker's prompt book on the production containing annotated script, photographs, newspaper reviews, letters and other miscellany
(For photos see CCU-DRA-1985MFM- )
Donated by Robin Whicker
School play 1992 The Merchant of Venice
Robin Whicker's prompt book on the production containing annotated script, photographs, newspaper reviews, letters and other miscellany
(For photos see CCU-DRA-1992MOV-- )
Donated by Robin Whicker
School play 1994 Richard the Second
Robin Whicker's prompt book on the production containing annotated script, photographs, newspaper reviews, letters and other miscellany
(For photos see CCU-DRA-1994RTS- )
Donated by Robin Whicker
School play 1993 All's Well that Ends Well
Robin Whicker's prompt book on the production containing annotated script, photographs, newspaper reviews, letters and other miscellany
(For photos see CCU-DRA-1993AWTEW-- )
Donated by Robin Whicker
Entered for Dorset Drama Festival