Common Room Old entrance 1940 EL00639 With Major Tireman's old Rolls Royce in pictureInscription says 1940s, but Tireman left Canford in 1939
Arthur Wren and Malcolm Taylor EL00642 Watching rugby. Photo appears in Whicker / Baynham bookPhoto also appeared in 'Canford Fortieth Anniversary Development Campaign' 1963
Carving for John o' Gaunt's EL00645 Sculpture by RB Newton for niche in John o' Gaunt's. [Other scultpture - Ela - was done by Robin Noscoe Photo appears in Whicker / Baynham book
Armoury and Fives Courts EL00650 Armoury and Fives Courts pictured before Gisborough was built. Beaufort Lawn is being used as rugby pitch