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Canford School War Memorial 1939-1945


Brochure detailing appeal for funds for War Memorial (Memorial Arch + fund for educating sons or daughters of OCs killed) Booklet notes that 'Out of a total of about 1,400 Old Boys who had left between the school' opening in 1923 and the end of the Second World War, no fewer than 930 are known to have served in HM Forces, and of these 135 gave their lives'. (4 copies) See BX06-20

Speech Day Programme 1949


Programme for Speech Day weekend Original donated for scanning by Mrs Upton, Widow of Robert Upton (C49)

Concert Programme 1949


Speech Day concert Original donated for scanning by Mrs Upton, Widow of Robert Upton (C49)

1st XI Hockey Team 1948


Milnes, Penn, Snow, Upton, Garland, Beeson, Wilson ?, Budd, ? Wetherill Original donated for scanning by Mrs Upton, Widow of Robert Upton (C49)

1st XI Hockey Team 1949


Milnes, Hayes, Prynne, Daubenay, Greenwood Garland, Beeson, Upton, Wilson, Wetherill Hampel Akers Original donated for scanning by Mrs Upton, Widow of Robert Upton (C49)

West of England Hockey Team 1949


Team includes 4 Canfordians: Colin Akers x Philip Daubenay x x x x x Douglas Upton, x Peter Wetherill x x Original donated for scanning by Mrs Upton, Widow of Robert Upton (C49)

Junior Colts 1974


Unbeaten in 2 years. Photo donated for scanning by Steve Ives

Headmaster's Speech September 09


Transcript of speech that John Lever gave to OCs at the Gaudy for leavers 1975-1990. 19th September, 2009. In it, he asks some key questions to be addressed in the coming years. (Saved as Word doc. and as pdf) Handwritten version in BX72-12

Illustrated London News 5th May, 1923


Two page spread entitled From "Country Seat" to "Seat of Learning": A Historic Manor Becomes a New Public School. Pictures of: The Great Staircase; the Covered Tennis Court"; a south west view of the main building (with croquet hoops on sunken lawn); the Library (with billiard table); a view of the Grand Hall from the Vestibule; John of Gaunt's. Original is in BX02-05

Garden Porch


From Illustrated London News of 5.5.1923 Front vestibule, with view of Great Hall See also EL01389

Great Staircase


From Illustrated London News of 5.5.1923

John of Gaunt's


From Illustrated London News of 5.5.1923 Also in first school prospectus