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J Macnutt's Talbot car


June 1927 Donated by Ken Mould (M30)

Canford - Talbot Heath Dance


Donated by Greg Bowden (Chemistry technician).:"My partner's aunt ( Rosemary Nesbitt) recently mentioned she had attended dances with Canford boys whilst she was at Talbot School for Girls back in the fifties. She dug out an old photo taken in about 1953 which shows four couples at one of the dances. She can't remember all the boysÆ names but her partner was called John Hedges and he went on to attend Trinity Pawling School in New York after leaving here.My partner's aunt (Rosemary Nesbitt) is centre front and her partner John Hedges (F55) is far left'

Lord Wimborne Map


OS map showing Rt Hon Lord Wimborne's estate, with portions sold. Letter from Peter Austin (B48) who donated it. Notes from Mark Rathbone trying to date it. (Tif, Date of annotations is unknown, Map is an Ordnance Survey one: Second Edition 1902 Surveyed in 1886. Revised in 1900 Scale: Six inches to one stature mile or 880 feet to one inch Tif and jpg versions; + photoshopped - tif- versions)

Barry Drawings


Set of drawings of proposed alterations to Canford Manor. Dated 7 April, 1848

Michael Hill images of Canford


Disc given to Canford Archive while Hill was researching 'East Dorset Country Houses'

A Portrait of Canford 1923 - 1998 - Baynham & Whicker


Written to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the School. Hard copy in CB03

Mountjoy Oak 1920


Mountjoy Oak, Canford Manor (17'4") 5,4 1920 ED

Mountjoy Oak 1920


Mountjoy Oak, Canford Manor (17'4") 5.4.1920 ED

Spanish Chestnut 1920


Chestnut, Canford Manor (38'5") 5.4.1920 ED

Spanish Chestnut 1920


Chestnut, Canford Manor (38'5") 5.4.1920 ED

Black Poplar 1921


Black Poplar, Canford Manor (21'3") 19.4.1921 ED

Sir Kaye Le Fleming - Canfordian, etc
