Concerning 'The Prevention of Common Colds and Influenza' and 'List of Magazines Allowed in the School'.
Canning's notices in concerning War`
Headmaster's notice to parents
Headmaster's notices to parents
Notice re requisitioning of Court House and Old SanatoriumNotice to parents of boys in Wimborne and Beaufort House announcing re-grouping of school into four houses (Headmaster's, Kittermaster's Nash's and McBride's21st April
End of Term Letters
Sent out in March 1979: Letter from Martin Marriott about the Joint Educational Trust and ISIS; letter from Arthur Jarvis about cricket; summary of fees and charges; Special Notices (term dates; appointed train; new boys' parents; the School Shop; matches); Authority of Optional Extras and Termly Charges. Donated by Lyn Place (nee Matcham)
OC Careers Symposium
Programme for event (OCs and parents talking to L6)Friday, 25th June, 2004Friday, 20th June 2008Friday, 19th June, 2009 Friday 25th June 2010Friday 15th March, 201320th March, 2015; Fri 17th Mar 2017
Northam Partnership
Account of Canford's Northam Partnership in Summary Document of 2009 ISC Partnership Conference (on page 26(
Community Service Admin & Correspondence
Community Service Admin & Correspondence
Community Service Admin & Correspondence
Only item after 2000 is: Community Projects 2010/11
Letters to Parents`
Martin Marriott's end-of-term letters to parentsMarch 1984, December 1987, 1988, March 1989, 1990, December 1990, 1991[From JDL's filing cabinet (May 2013).
Letters to Parents
John Lever's end-of-term letters to parentsDecember 1992, 1993, 1995, March 2002, December 2002[From JDL's filing cabinet (May 2013).
Letter to Parents re expulsion
Two boys expelled for drug use. Rationale for expulsion offered to parentd[From JDL's filing cabinet (May 2013).
Canford School Society Events
Flyers for summer 2013:Tennis Tournaments (Satrurday, 18th May)Aboretum Tour (Friday, 7th June)Golf Day (Sunday, 23rd June
Shell Visit to Poole
Project notes and worksheet
GCSEReligious Studies Booklet
Revision Booklet
The course was compulsory (one year in the 4th form) for everyone and gained pupils half an GCSE
Canford Group Meetings
Statement of Aims, Membership and Administration of Canford GroupDates for all 1986/7 MeetingsAgenda, notes and minutes for Housemasters' Meeting at DownsideMinutes of Heads of History meetingMinutes on Director of Studies Meeting
Canford School Society Flyers
Calendar of Events, 2014 - 2015Quiz Night 2nd NovemberNoel Noel, Bournemouth Sinfonetta 15th Wine Tasting, 25th January 2015Real Tennis Morning, 7th March 2015
Fundraising Football match
The South's Leading Directors and Ex-Pro Footballers Go Head to Head. Football match held at Canford on 14th May, 2008, to raise funds towards sending 7 young people from the Northam project to accompany the Canford trip to Tanzania.
Poster asking for help with Cherry Tree Nursery Project
Local project to assist at Cherry Tree Nursery Project, a local charity offering a sheltered working environment for people who have experienced mental illness.
Invitation to Reception before Lighthouse Concert
Invitation to Patrons and Volunteerss to reception in the Lighthouse art gallery before concert.
Butterfly Ball at Canford
"Celebrity Ball Raises ú40,000 for hospice"Photo of Martin Clunes and his wife Philippa (parents).Clunes conducted charity auction to raise funds for Julia;s House.
Julia's House Project
Building of dinasaur slide for Julia's House Garden.Project, designed by Andy Kirby, built by Nick Hoare, funded by Canford School Society.
Canford School Society Events
Tennis Day 16.5.15
Arboretum Tour 12.6.15
Golf Day 14.6.15
Jersey Receptions
Buffet Lunch
Drinks and Canapes
Hosted by Rev Chris Jervis and Caroline at St Helier Yacht Cluf
Canford Gold Challenge
Canford Gold Challenge took the place of Spirit of Place this year, Olympics year.
All money raised through sponsorship went to the national Gold Challenge charity.
Documents list the events that each of the 25 teams did.
See also CB04-405
Canford Show
A4 flyer advertising 'The Canford Show' in aid of the Dorset Macmillan Cancer Care Appeal.
Held on the May Bank Holiday and included jousting, helicopter rides, falconry, balloon ascents, music.
List of sponsors; programme; sheet on Fun Run; photo from Bournemouth Echo
Photo of John Lever handing cheque over
Open day display 1988
A4 flyer advertising Open Day in aid of the Wimborne Hospital Appeal.
included displays of marching, parachuting, battles, police dogs.
Cyclostyled programme of day
Organised by Rick Raumann
Canford School Society
Various flyers, letters, lists from Jerry Orme's time on the CSS committee
From John Lever to Andrew Barnes explaining why some girl rowers were to miss their commitment
Booklet on Community Service
Written by Bev Manning (BERM) in 1996 it outlines the history of CS at Canford and what Canford was doing in 1996.
NSPCC certificate
Certificate presented to Canford by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 'recording its sincere appreciation of the invaluable voluntary services...'.
Signed by Arthur Morton, Director.
Dated Jul 1976
Under the Mountjot Press in the 1976 Canfordian it says:
This term we have put on two exhibitions, one on Speech Day and the second on Open Day, and have raised a considerable sum of money for the N.S.P.C.C.
Community Service
Copy of HM notice on staff board announcing that Andrew Barnes would be running CS.
importantly it also states that CS will have priority over all other activities on Tuesday afternoons as 'the needs of those receiving the service are greater than those giving it'. The policy was enforced strongly.
Philip Green School
Letters of thanks to JRO from the Head of PG school.
The school was one of those visited on Enterprise afternoons
See MC2 for large group photo
Impact - Community Service
Booklet giving details of all the CS the school offers (Bourne Academy; Enterprises; Shine; Northam; Partnershps; etc)
Shell curriculum 2021-2
A4 booklet outlining principles and broad overview