Beaufort House Lists
House list; Changing Room numbers; Callover list
Franklin House Rules
Draft copy+ School House Energy Wastage - Fines System
Beach Conservation Day (Shell Whole Day Enterprises
An early 'Green' initiative organised by JRO (Jerry Orme)
Cardinal Cub
Beaufort Old Boys club.Constitution; presidents, secretaries treasurers, doorkeepers; out-chairmen; out-secretries;janitors; original members; members
Promotional flyers - houses, art, design, music
A4 sheets of biographies of: Boys' Boarding Houses; Girls' Boarding Houses; Day HousesA4 Leaflets on: Music at Canford; Drama at Canford; Art at Canford; Design at Canford
Girls at Canford
Folded A3 insert that went out with prospectus (as insert ) in early 1990s.
Pupils' Guide to Canford
Written by pupils (3 copies|)Updated version (Can ford in a nut 'shell') 2009? (2 copies)
Change your life.. Come to Canford
Aimed at prospective Sixth Form joiners
Drama, Design, Art, Music at Canford
Promotional leafletesDrama at Canford (2003) New Edition (2 copies) 2009Music at Canford. (2006)Design @Canford (2003)Art at Canford (2004?)
Good School Guide Review
Review of Canford 2008Review of Canford 2009
Promotional leaflets: Houses, Sport, Music, Enrichment, Sixth Form,
Glossy promotional leaflets put out in Long Gallery for prospective parents (2 copies of each):Day Houses; Boys' Boarding Houses; Girls; Boarding Houses; Sport; Music; Enrichment; Sixth Form
ISI Integrated Inspection 2012
Specially produced edition of report with Canford logo etc, for putting out in Long Gallery for prospective parents. (3 copies)
The Use of Leisure at Canford School
The Report of the Leisure Committee, June 1972. Looks at facilities, games, art drama and music, Tuesday Enterprises, Week-end Timetable, Expeditions, etc. Committee chaired by Mike Frewer, and contained, A Garvie, Henry Baynham, John Ainsworth, C Moore
Exam Results 2012
Placed in Long Gallery for prospective parents to read
Canford: A Snapshot
Folded A3 card: Aims and Ethos; Breadth and Depth; Academic Performance: University Entrance;[ Academic Performance compares, with bar charts. exam performance with Marlborough, Bryanston and Sherborne - all of which were very unhappy with way comparisons were made.] [2 copies]
Franklin House End-of-term letter
End of term letter from Housemaster (Henry Bishop) to parents. Christmas, 2012
Canford: The Good Schools Guide
Home produced booklet with many added photographs based on The Good Schools Guide 2012.(2 copies)
The Good Schools Guide Review 2009
Print out of Canford entry.
Franklin House List
Franklin House. Mr Kittermaster's. Summer 1937Printed card with list of all boys in house. sorted by form.
Donation Card
This donation towards the Canford Tree Fund marks our great appreciation of all that the school has done towards Ben's achievements. Tall oaks from little acorns grow.
Safeguarding Code of Conduct for Teaching and Support Staff
2 copies
Marketing Literature
Leaflets available in Long Gallery in June 2016:
Day; Boarding; House Preference; A Place in the School at 13+; 13+ Admission - What Happens Next?; Some Recent Highlights; A Snapshot...2015/16; A Snapshot...2015/16 for Day Pupils
Sport at Canford
Marketing leaflet listing sporting achievements in 2012/13 including four photos
Rowing at Canford
Marketing leaflet for rowing, listing programmes, successes, opportunities
Oxbridge Application
Marketing leaflet for Oxbridge
Marketing Literature
Leaflets available in Long Gallery in Dec 2017:
Leaflets on Design, drama, Music, Art, Sport + Caeers/Higher Education
Booklet on scholarships and bursaries
Natural History Society reports
Annual reports on various aspects of natural history. The first one, for instance, has reports on birds in The Park, geology, botany and other topics.
Donated by John Boys who ran the society throughout that time.
(Still contains staples)
Natural History Society news sheets
The first one states the purpose of the sheets is to 'draw the attention of members of the society to intersting records, current activities and future projects, and to give notice of some coming events'.
Donated by John Boys who ran the society throughout that time.
County cricket
Letter between HM (Lever) and Dorset Cricket Board about the cost of hiring Canford grounds for county matches.
Promotional leaflets: Houses 2005-8
Glossy promotional leaflets put out in Long Gallery for prospective parents:Day Houses; Boys' Boarding Houses; Girls; Boarding Houses;
Harrison Cowley
Correspondence about employing Harrison Cowley as the school's public relations company. A few examples of their work.
Letter about natural history Society
From HE Piggott (teaching staff (1941-51) to John Boys (teaching staff (1958-91) about the society. It also describes in detail (four typed pages) a butterfly catching trip near Witchampton when a foreign swallowtail was caught, and some woodpeckers in The Park
Correspondence on the flora around Canford
Detailed description written by Tim Hooker on the plants around Canford for the Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (study of inland waters). Letter from the society thanking him and listing the plants they found on their walk.
Walk near Witchampton
Notes (not complete) and a map describing a walk to the west of Witchampton complied by Tim Hooker. The map has 'Canford School Biology Dept' on it.
Canford Impact: Explore, Express, Excel
An informal prospectus outlining Canford's core values with interviews and articles supporting the claims