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Canford School Inventory July 1935


File of 98 carbon copies listing all items of furniture and equipment great and small (+ '23 horses on feeding strength')

The Allied Schools


Brochure advertising all the Allied Schools. Text in English, French, German and Italian. Probably produced mid 60s judging by postcode + telephone codes

Gardner Merchant Pitch for school's catering


Extras sheet


Blank form outlining the 'extras' on a school bill, such as Sanatorium, sailing, breakages etc Date is 197. so usable for a decade.

Allied Schools brochure


Colour A4 folded sheet giving brief summaries of all seven remaining Allied Schools. Felixstowe (closed 1994) is mentioned. Several mentions of events in 1970s and one of 1980, so probably published soon after that.

Staff pay


Teaching staff payscales and associated correspondence from bursar Also includes bursar letter about Burnham from 1971. Donated by John Boys

Bursary papers


Various papers from 1981 file including: Schedule of sailing boats owned by the school for insurance Schedule of rowing boats owned by the school for insurance Schedule of musical instruments owned by the school for insurance Classroom equipment listed by department (mainly OHPs except for music) for insurance List of computers/electric typewriters for bursary (computer cost £3281-81!) + some invoices

Jerram Bequest


Several letters connected with the £30,000 bequest left to the school by the Rev HJL Jerram, a former Head of School in the 1920s. Some focus on the desire of his family to have a memorial at the school which wasn't possible.

Canning Memorial Fund


A large number of letters to and from the HM (Hardie) together with other related material concerned with setting up a a memorial to Canford's second HM. Some letters concern the clash between this appeal and a more general one that was planned. There is also discussion about a Closed Scholarship at Christ's College, Cambridge (with an admission that these are becoming less popular with colleges)

Fortieth Anniversary Appeal


Letters and documents connected to the 1963 Appeal. Includes: 1961 proposal for campaign Canford School Ltd accounts for 1961 Letters (1962-3) to and from Lord Wimborne being asked and refusing to sign a statement in the brochure Early dummy brochure Letters to and from various people re appeal. A few are asking others for advice (eg HM Sevenoaks) and several comment no the apparent lack of enthusiasm amongst OCs for the appeal. One is from Macnutt (former HM). Two are from governors who are clearly annoyed that they are expected to contribute set amounts. One from the secretary of the OC Society shows some friction as to who should be running the appeal. See also BX70-04

Fortieth Anniversary Appeal


Letter from Gerald Deakin explaining why he wouldn't be contributing to the appeal. He clearly adored his HM (Canning) and Hsm (Kittermaster) and didn't like the changes Hardie made to Canford as HM. There are also letters from Enid Canning and Yvone Kirkpatrick after they had seen the letter adding their point of view. Essentially he claimed that Canford used to be a welcoming club but had become much more exam focused.



Correspondence between the HM (Wallace) and various managers at Plessey. Topics include apprenticeships, closed scholarships, visits to Plessey, providing equipment, talks at Canford.

Poor behaviour in sport


Two sets of correspondence between HM (Lever) and others relating to poor behaviour; one concerning hockey, the other cricket

Entrance scholarship ceiling


Copy of document committing Canford to a ceiling of 50% for entrance scholarships unless means tested. As Chairman of HMC, Canford's HM (Marriott) had campaigned for all schools to agree the 50% limit. Nearly all schools agreed, although there were notable exceptions (such as Radley) who felt the scheme was unworkable. A large amount of paperwork was originally held in the Canford archive, but it has since been donated to the HMC archive.

Girls/boys academic results


Letters between John Lever and HM of Sherborne who wanted to know whether there was a difference between girls' and boys academic achievements. Lever's reply suggests a minor one at GCSE nd nothing later on.

Staff inset


Correspondence between Ian Wallace (HM) and Oliver van Oss (HM Charterhouse) about the latter giving an inspirational talk to Canford staff at the start of term

Brighton College


Letter from Anthony Seldon (HM) to John Lever apologising for he behaviour of brighton Collge pupils when on a Reading Party at Canford

Marketing boarding


Letters between John Lever and Michael Mavor (HM Loretto) about boarding. Loretto was considering an expansion of the school (incl boarding) and Mavor wanted answers to various aspects such as weekend activities, marketing boarding, day/boarding schools.

Mass Radiography Scheme


Correspondence related to visits in 1953, 1956 and 1966 by the Regional Hospital Board. All pupils were X-rayed so that some conditions, such as chest tuberculosis, could be detected early.

Medical reports


Termly reports produced by the school's medical officers.They often include charts/numbers of the problems. Summer 2002 + every term from easter 2004 - Easter 2008 except Summer 2005.

Procedure for medication


Correspondence between Susan Harvey, an inspection officer, David Pope (school doctor) and John Lever over disagreements in how medicines should be stored/given.

School physiotherapist


Correspondence between Damaris Hobbs (school physio) and John Lever as to the terms under which Canford employs a physio

Medical staff


Correspondence between John Lever and staff over various topics: Lawrence Lear's replacement by Rene Skule as school doctor (2007) and similar from David Pope to Lear (2002) Alison Aquilina on a suitable place to base her as school counsellor (2003) Cath Mason, senior nurse, on the increase in sports' injuries (2008) Rene Skule on Health Centre staffing (2007) Poole NHS on incorrect BCG vaccination (2003) Philippa Dickens, school doctor, on criticisms from a parent on how an issue was handled by the HC (2003) Lawrence Lear (doctor) on poor admin from CRY (2007) David Phipps, bursar, on need for staff to take pupils to hospital (2006)

Marketing strategy


Marketing Strategy (15 pages); Marketing Action Plan (7 pages); letter from Russell Spiers. Canford commissioned RS to do a survey and these two documents are the result.

Sunday Times guide 2006


Copy of questionnaire returned to the Sunday Times as part of their Parent Power Guide. Gives a snapshot of Canford at the time.

Publicity related to new classrooms


Correspondence between HM (Wallace) and others (Daily Sketch; Public Schools Information Office; Mathers PR Ltd) over what sort of publicity should take place when new classrooms are opened. Also includes some material on Mathers supplied by HMC.

Wimborne Grammar School


Correspondence between the HMs of Canford (Wallace) and WGS (Donald Neil) in response to a questionnaire Wallace had been asked to fill in. Neil, who had worked in private schools before going to WGS, outlines the essential differences between how grammar and independent schools work.

School doctor's termly health report


Facts and figures on how many and why boys were in the San. Occasional related papers included (eg letters)

School doctor's termly health report


Facts and figures on how many and why boys were in the San. Occasional related papers included (eg letters)

School doctor's termly health report


Facts and figures on how many and why boys were in the San. Occasional related papers included (eg letters)

School doctor's termly health report


Facts and figures on how many and why boys were in the San. Occasional related papers included (eg letters)

Polio epidemic 1949


Paperwork related to the poliomyelitis epidemic at the school in 1949 Seven cases were reported: two had no long term symptoms, four had very slight weakness and one had paralysis of the lower limbs. Mainly reports from various doctors

Health Centre/San complaints


Letters documenting two unrelated complaints: 1. Two letters about a boy who had not been X-rayed following a wrist injury, so a fracture was not picked up (1948) 2. Two letters about a boy where an abdominal abscess had been first diagnosed as gastro-enteritis. Detailed day by day progression of problem given.

School counsellor


Questionnaire answers from ten hsms as to how pupils viewed the new(ish) counselling service Letter from Alison Aquilina (school counsellor) to Eleonore Byde (Senior Mistress) outlining problems with the positioning of the counselling room Letter from HM (Lever) to Aquilina responding to her concerns

School accounts 1946-64


Copies sent to the HM showing summary accounts. Earlier versions incude covering letters with some explanations/notes Also incuded are tables comparing the account summaries from 1932 - 46

CRB check


Enhanced disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau for Richard Baxter as Chairman of Governors. This was a legal requirement.