HAIL! Muse of high heroic song,To thy sole care these deedsbelong;When, by the cool, translucent wave,That soft the reedy bank doth laveWhere Canford's turrets proudly riseThrough clustering tree-tops to the skies,The champions of each House are foundFor genial contest gathered round.Never since first the pleasant StourA hollow here did carefully scourHath Hatchhole's shores so merry been,Or witnessed half such jovial scene.A cheerful Charon in his barquePlies to and fro mid gay remark,And cuts the yielding waters throughBearing no insubstantial crew !Lo ! too, upon the opposing shore,A form best known in days of yoreAppears, in sea-blue garments dressed,And with stern accents soon repressedThe joyous clamours that resoundThat sweet, tree-shaded pool around ;Yea, Triton's self or I'm sense-lorn,Triton—and with his " wreathed horn ! "At least I know a horn he bore,And—curved or not—what would youmore ?Three serious judges too are there,With brows close knit by anxious care.Attentive they the feats remarkFrom the firm shore or labouring barqueThree judges, who, I boldly claim,E'en Minos' self would put to shame :When were their equals seen beforeFor sober gravity and lore ?But now the eager heroes burnTheir prowess each to prove in turn,And—" One length A, from stage tosluice! "Is sign to let their ardour loose.Then at the pistol's startling crackEre Echo's mocking shot comes backThree glistening forms the stream divideAnd strain to reach the further side." Franklin's is first! " the fateful wordsRouse wild applause that scares thebirdsSecure in distant glades remote,Far from each eager brazen throat.To this the " One length, B " succeeds,Nor one whit less excitement breeds." A, one length back; B, one lengthbreast."Their skill in turn make manifest.Then comes the under-water swimWhen frog-like figures, weirdly dim,With out-shot limbs their forms propelAnd admiration loud compel." High dive and plunge " for A and BThe eager watchers next may see,And mark the skill and headlong graceThese rivals of the finny raceExhibit as they rush from highAnd, plunged in foam, escape the eye ;Till with a swirl anon they riseAnd spluttering greet the gazers' eyes.Huge merriment and ringing mirthSalute the one who, true to earth,Down in the river's muddy bedStirs up the bottom with his headAnd straight appeared above the waveWith face besmirched by that whichclave!Next came the race of greatest lengthA test requiring skill with strength.Thrice o'er the self-same course theystrainOnce out, once back, then out again,While from the bank the ardent throngWith cries their favourites urge alongAnd greet with rounds of wild acclaimThe panting victor's favoured name.This finished from the pliant boardFresh cause for wonder they afford,And bounding high turn through an arcAnd plunge through many a fathomdarkTo re-emerge in no long spaceWith plastered hair and streaming face.Next in slow turn these heroes tryWho o'er the gentle stream may flyWith fewest strokes from shore to shoreAnd rouse the growing wonder more.Last came the race that crowned the day,The long expected House Relay.The watchers scarce themselves restrainFrom plunging in and shout amain
16The CANFORDIANWhen this House gains or that one yieldsIn churning through the azure fields.The champion House at length is toldAmid excitement manifold.A dripping spokesman then they leadAnd him present when Lady ReidWith gracious gesture gave the cupAnd wound this pleasant function up
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