Squash Notes from 1941!!

Posted by Canford Administrator on 31 May 2023

Modified by Canford Administrator on 12 Feb 2024

front cover

Squash this term has been carried on with ever increasing enthusiasm by all parts of the School. The team itself has maintained a high standard of play throughout the term, and shows much promise for the future. We defeated the Bournemouth Sports Club 3-2 on Sunday, Nov. 23rd, and Bryanston 4-1 on the following Tuesday. In a return match with Bournemouth Sports Club we were defeated5-0 by a very strong team. F. I. Snell and E. J. G. Clark were awarded their colours. The Inter-house Competition was held this term, and Nash's and McBride's reached the final. After some very good matches McBride's won the Cup by three matches to one, one match being left un played. Next term it is hoped to hold an Inter-house Colts Squash Competition for a Cup kindly presented by C. L. Clark, Esq., to whom we are very grate-ful, particularly as times are so difficult now


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