The past year, and particularly the past term, has been the most important J_ in the annals of the Canford troop. Started three years ago with a handful of boys of varying degrees of enthusiasm and ability, under scoutmasters of little or no experience, the troop has had no small struggle to obtain a definite place and function in the normal life of the School. That this has at last been obtained is evident from the work of the past year. The troop has reached that stage wherein it has more candidates than vacancies ;a sound position when the shortage of officers is remembered. Next term, with an increase in the staff, it is hoped that no one who wishes to join the troop will be refused. Definite, though elastic, schemes of work have replaced the rather haphazard efforts of early days and the organisation within the troop is altogether improved. At last we have a Scout Hut. From our own funds and by means of a loan from the Tuck Shop we have erected our headquarters on an enclosure near the Mountjoy Oak. To achieve this the troop forewent its Summer camp, and devoted the funds to this purpose instead. Wooden buildings in that magnificent park are apt to be something of an eyesore, but it is hoped that the dark green so lignum of the Scout Hut will avoid this. Any suggestion for improvement—other than abolition—will be welcomed by the S.M. The troop, which up to the present has been a junior affair, is grateful for the interest shown by seniors. Last term an amusing debate took place, wherein amotion that the O.T.C. should be replaced by Scouts was carried. The S.M., by the way, disclaims any responsibility and in no way associates himself with that view, but-the useful outcome of the debate was an attempt this term to start a Rover Crew under the leadership of Mr. Collins. It appears to have made a fair start and more is hoped of this later. A very welcome, useful and altogether pleasing gift has been made to the troop by Mr. Bell, who has designed an inter-patrol competition roll. This is to contain the names of the winning patrol each term, together with that of the patrol leader, and will be hung in the Scout Hut. At the end of the School year the " Valete " list is large, and this time includes two scouts, Digby-Bell, Troop Leader, and Wrinch, Patrol Leader, both of whom have been in the troop from its inception. A sufficient comment on their hard work is that they will be missed very much next year. And to those who leave the troop on account of age the hope is expressed that when the time comes they may remember their scouting at Canford, and, in doing so, form troops for boys in less fortunate circumstances than themselves. For after all, the main purpose, though not the only one, of scouting in public schools is to provide scoutmasters for the outer world, and if it fails to do this it is missing the greater part of its goal.
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