We have gradually increased our 420 fleet, and the senior members have enjoyed some memorable sailing in the three new boats. The Fireflies continue to give good service, as our racing fleet, until we have assembled a full fleet of 420's. The matches we reevenly balanced - victories over Sherborne and King Edward VI, Southampton, and a narrow defeat by Milton Abbey (who also showed our junior team how to sail Mirrors effectively!) The Regatta should have been held in Poole, but despite valiant efforts by all concerned, the conditions were too wild; in the rear-ranged event at Portland, and in Sherborne's ab-sence, we were placed second equal with Bryanston, Milton Abbey being the winners. Our thanks go to Jason Bag galey for his keennes sand good leadership as captain this year, and our good wishes go with him and Paul Nurser present us at Itchenor as this article goes to press.
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