This week, the Canford Community looks forward to the Music School's annual FCS Jazz Concert. Always a spectacular affair, this concert continues Canford's longstanding tradition of jazz music, showcasing the musical talents of Canford's pupils and staff.
Let’s look back at the winter of 1960 when a jazz session took place by the Riverside Stompers, who filled the gym on 11th December 1960. At 8pm they swung into a lively performance of their signature tune: Down by the Riverside.
‘It is not often that Canford entertains itself. We are used to fixing glassy eyes on the screen for an evening, or lending a sleepy ear to a visiting lecturer, but as for putting on a show ourselves. . . well, it makes extra work and might not come off anyway’.
The band entertained the audience with jazz classics such as: Lonesome, Petite Fleur and Dr. Jazz. Their session reached a climax during The Saints, which deserved its encore.
The band continued to perform regular sessions at school with new pupils joining the band as older members left the school. Though there are no photographs of the 1960 concert, we hope you like this photograph is from 1963 by a river.
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