The D. of E. Award Scheme has been run inpast years by Mr. W. J. Ainsworth, and mostsuccessfully I hasten to add. Many boys at allages of their school lives, have benefitted fromthe scheme, and have also helped other peoplethrough such activities as F.A.G. (FriendlyAction Group). I feel that the majority of themhave enjoyed going on expeditions and so on.This year there have been less people qualifying,which may have been apparent on speech daywhen there were no silver or gold awards given.The fact that less people have qualified thisyear is by no means because there is a lackof competitors; it may have been because thepeople concerned have been unable to com-plete certain parts of their scheme. However,this year more boys have qualified on theirexpeditions through the C.C.F. (CombinedCadet Force) than in previous years, doingthe Ten Tors expedition on Dartmoor and anexpedition to Snowdonia.This year's Bronze contingents made a practiceexpedition to the Purbecks and are planningtheir qualifying expedition to the New Forestnext term. The Silver participants are aboutto do their qualifying expedition at the endof term in the Lake District with the Gold con-tenders doing their practice in the same area.I cannot finish without giving Mr. D. V. Collisona mention. He has decided to help Mr. Ainsworthand I am sure that he will be a great help to theaward scheme at Canford in the future
DofE at Canford in 1981
Posted by Canford Administrator on 28 May 2023
Modified by Canford Administrator on 12 Feb 2024
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